: :其他软件 2019-09-14 22:23:41
以下是测试,模块是不是能找图的辅助工具源码://define value:
Global watchDog
Global Hwnd
Global windTitle
Global nowStep
Global TID
Global TIDmove
Global TIDdefence
//Initail value:
watchDog = 0
Hwnd = 0
nowStep = 0 // 0:使用脚本 98:测试战斗功能
TID = 0
TIDmove = 0
TIDdefence = 0
//0:No Initail 1:In Main
PutAttachment "d:ForScript","*.bmp"
//Initial Dm
set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")'创建大漠对象
dm_ret = dm.SetPath("C:path")'设置目录
ver = dm.Ver()
If len(ver) = 0 Then
MessageBox "创建对象失败"
End If
TracePrint ver
dm_ret = dm.Reg("XXXXX","XXXXX")
If dm_ret <> 1 then
messagebox "注册失败,返回值是:"&dm_ret
End if
dm.DmGuard 1, "np" //大漠的绑定模式
Hwnd = Form1.WindTextIn.Text
dm_ret = dm.SetWindowState(Hwnd,1) '激活窗口
dm_ret = dm.BindWindowEx(Hwnd, "dx2", "windows3", "windows", "", 0) '窗口不能遮挡'
If dm_ret = 0 Then
TracePrint dm.GetLastError()
TracePrint Hwnd
MsgBox "dm bind Hwnd fail"
End If
Event Form1.FindWindBtn.Click
TracePrint "In FindWindBtn"
If Form1.WindTextIn.Enabled = True Then
windTitle = Form1.WindTextIn.Text
Hwnd = Plugin.Window.Find(0, windTitle)
If Hwnd <> 0 Then
Form1.WindTextIn.Text = Hwnd
Form1.WindTextIn.Enabled = False
Form1.FindWindBtn.Caption = "Success"
Call Plugin.Window.Restore(Hwnd)
//移动窗口到(0, 0)位置
Call Plugin.Window.Move(Hwnd, 0, 0)
End If
End If
End Event
Event Form1.WindTextIn.Change
windTitle = Form1.WindTextIn.Text
End Event
线程ID = GetThreadID()
Event Form1.btnNext.Click
nowStep = Form1.stepInput.Text
End Event
// 主循环程序
TracePrint "Main Loop"
If nowStep = 0 Then
Call CheckMain
End If
If nowStep = 1 Then
TracePrint "Now In Main"
Call GoInCheck3V3All
End If
If nowStep = 2 Then
Call PreFight
End If
If nowStep = 3 Then
Call ChooseStar
End If
If nowStep = 4 Then
Call IsFightOver
End If
If nowStep = 98 Then
Call Fighting()
End If
Delay 200
Sub CloseAD()
TracePrint "In CloseAD"
dm_ret = dm.FindPic(885, 73, 927, 111,"d:ForScriptad_close.bmp","000000",0.6,0,intX,intY)
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
End If
If intX >0 And intY > 0 Then
Call ClickPiont(909, 93)
End If
Delay 200
End Sub
Sub CheckMain()
TracePrint "In CheckMain"
Call ClickPiont(11,169)
dm_ret = dm.FindPic(0, 0, 1000, 1000, "d:ForScript好友.bmp", "000000", 0.7, 0, intX, intY)
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
nowStep = 1
TracePrint "Not In Main : Go To CloseAD"
Call CloseAD
End If
Delay 500
End Sub
Sub GoInEmpire()
If nowStep = 1 Then
Call ClickPiont(134, 345)
dm_ret = dm.FindPic(572, 420, 606, 447, "d:ForScriptempire.bmp","000000",0.6,0,intX,intY)
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
nowStep = 2
Call CheckMain
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub BackFromEmpire()
If nowStep = 2 Then
Call ClickPiont(473, 434)
Call CheckMain
End If
End Sub
Sub GoInCheckEmpire()
If nowStep = 2 Then
Call ClickPiont(1038, 910)
dm_ret = dm.FindPic(56, 93, 179, 103, "d:ForScriptcheck_empire.bmp","000000",0.6,0,intX,intY)
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
Call CheckMain
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub GoStartEmpire()
If nowStep = 2 Then
Call ClickPiont(443, 534)
Delay 200
Call ClickPiont(827, 540)
Call PreFight()
End If
End Sub
Sub GoInCheck3V3All()
If nowStep = 1 Then
Call ClickPiont(150, 405)
Delay 1000
Call ClickPiont(150,405)
dm_ret = dm.FindPic(0, 0, 300, 100, "d:ForScript全场33.bmp","000000",0.7,0,intX,intY)
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
nowStep = 2
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub PreFight()
If nowStep = 2 Then
TracePrint "Pre Fight"
Call ClickPiont(579, 550)
Delay 3000
dm_ret = dm.FindPic(0, 0, 1000, 1000, "d:ForScript开始匹配.bmp","000000",0.7,0,intX,intY)
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
Call ClickPiont(816, 546)
Delay 1000
nowStep = 3
End If
dm_ret = dm.FindPic(0,0, 1000,1000, "d:ForScriptOver2.bmp","000000",0.7,0,intX,intY)
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
Call ClickPiont(727,533)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub ChooseStar()
Delay 10000
Call ClickPiont(608, 223)
Delay 1000
Call ClickPiont(886,310)
Delay 2000
Call ClickPiont(723,308)
Delay 3000
Call ClickPiont(569, 309)
Delay 2000
Call ClickPiont(816,546)
TID = BeginThread(Fighting)
nowStep = 4
End Sub
Sub Fighting()
If nowStep <> 98 Then
set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")'创建大漠对象
End If
dm_ret = dm.FindColor(434, 46, 446, 64, "B42423-1D0304", 0.9, 0, intX, intY)
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
'TracePrint "In Attack"
dm_ret = dm.FindPic(600, 500, 800, 555, "d:ForScriptpassball.bmp","000000",0.6,0,intX,intY)
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
Call PressA '传球键'
Delay 200
If TIDmove = 0 Then
TIDmove = BeginThread(StarMoveW)
Delay 800
End If
End If
End If
dm_ret = dm.FindColor(511, 45, 516, 65, "B42423-1D0304", 0.9, 0, intX, intY)
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
'TracePrint intX'
'TracePrint intY'
If TIDdefence = 0 Then
TIDdefence = BeginThread(StarDefence)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub IsFightOver()
Call ClickPiont(579, 550)
Delay 2000
If nowStep = 4 Then
dm_ret = dm.FindPic(0,0, 1000,1000, "d:ForScriptOver.bmp","000000",0.7,0,intX,intY)
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
Call ClickPiont(323, 526)
Delay 300
StopThread TID
Delay 5000
Call ClickPiont(727,533)
nowStep = 2
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickPiont(x, y)
dm.MoveTo x,y
End Sub
Sub PressA()
Call ClickPiont(726, 499)
End Sub
Sub PressB()
Call ClickPiont(762, 373)
End Sub
Sub PressC()
Call ClickPiont(885, 346)
End Sub
Sub PressD()
Call ClickPiont(863, 484)
End Sub
Sub StarMoveW()
set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")'创建大漠对象
dm.KeyDownChar "W"
Delay 1800
dm.KeyUpChar "W"
Delay 50
TIDmove = 0
End Sub
Sub StarDefence()
set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")'创建大漠对象
dm.KeyDownChar "J"
Delay 1250
dm.KeyUpChar "J"
Delay 50
TIDdefence = 0
End Sub
Sub LeftClickHold(x, y, t)
dm.MoveTo x,y
Delay t
End Sub
Global FilePath
Global FileName
Global SimValue
Event Form1.Button1.Click
FilePath = Form1.InputBox1.Text
FileName = Form1.InputBox2.Text
SimValue = Form1.InputBox3.Text
set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")'创建大漠对象
dm_ret = dm.SetPath(FilePath)'设置目录
ver = dm.Ver()
If len(ver) = 0 Then
MessageBox "创建对象失败"
End If
TracePrint ver
dm_ret = dm.Reg("XXXXX","XXXXX")
If dm_ret <> 1 then
messagebox "注册失败,返回值是:"&dm_ret
End If
dm_ret = dm.FindPic(0, 0, 2000, 2000, FileName,"000000",0.6,0,intX,intY)
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
MsgBox "Find success!"
pic_size = dm.GetPicSize(FileName)
pic_size = split(pic_size,",")
w = int(pic_size(0))
h = int(pic_size(1))
Form1.InputBox4.Text = intX
Form1.InputBox5.Text = intY
Form1.InputBox6.Text = int(intX) + w / 2
Form1.InputBox7.Text = int(intY) + h / 2
Form1.InputBox4.Text = "X"
Form1.InputBox5.Text = "Y"
Form1.InputBox6.Text = "0"
Form1.InputBox7.Text = "0"
End If
End Event
Event Form1.InputBox1.Change
FilePath = Form1.InputBox1.Text
End Event
Event Form1.InputBox2.Change
FileName = Form1.InputBox2.Text
End Event
Event Form1.InputBox3.Change
SimValue = Form1.InputBox3.Text
End Event
GetCursorPos x, y
Form1.InputBox8.Text = x & "," & y
10-13《游戏编程All In One》代码
10-12游戏引擎原理与实践 卷2:高级技术
10-12游戏引擎原理与实践 卷1:基础框架